Energy Clearings

Activate Your Artistic Talents

If you've experienced artistic blocks or writers blocks, you know these are real. Clear the blocks by clearing the energy keeping you from accessing your talents. ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,Clear Negative Emotions &2020

December 23, 20220 min read

Activate Your Artistic Talents

Abundance Activation 2021

Clear the blocks keeping you from abundance and activate your prosperity ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,2020

December 29, 20200 min read

Abundance Activation 2021

Past Life Energy Clearing

Energy from multiple lives, timelines, generations, and events can all affect you here in the present. This clearing can help you release some of the past energy. ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,2020

December 19, 20201 min read

Past Life Energy Clearing

Be at Peace With What Is...

As you release the old stuck energy from the past, it becomes easier to be at peace with what is happening now... ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,Clear Negative Emotions &2020

December 16, 20201 min read

Be at Peace With What Is...

Quit Overthinking With Energy Clearing

Overthinking is one of the biggest blocks around. This clearing session can help you release this and start living more in the moment. ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,Clear Negative Emotions &2020

December 09, 20200 min read

Quit Overthinking With Energy Clearing

Energy Flows Where Intention Goes

If you focus your intention on an object or person, your energy will focus on that. If you focus on the positive aspects in your life, you will most likely receive more positive aspects. The same is t... ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,2020

December 02, 20201 min read

Energy Flows Where Intention Goes

An Attitude of Gratitude 

The attitude of gratitude refers to a mindset or disposition characterized by a sincere and appreciative acknowledgment of the positive aspects of life. ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,2020

November 25, 20200 min read

An Attitude of Gratitude 

Compassion vs. Attachment Energy Clearing

This energy clearing will help you release the attachment that can be mistaken for compassion. ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,2020

November 18, 20202 min read

Compassion vs. Attachment Energy Clearing

Energy Detox

This free energy clearing session will help you release the negative energy in your field in an "energy detox" ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,Clear Negative Emotions &2020

November 18, 20200 min read

Energy Detox

Become and Be The Change and Take Positive Action

This clearing will help you release energy holding you back from taking action and becoming the change you want to see in your life ...more

Energy Clearing Sessions ,Clear Negative Emotions &2020

November 13, 20200 min read

Become and Be The Change and Take Positive Action
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