Energy Clearings

Energy Clearing Session for Victim Energy

Clear Out Negative Victim Energy

January 06, 20211 min read

Do You Sometimes Feel Like A Victim of Other People or Events?

In this Energy Clearing Session Clear Out Negative Victim Energy, We are going to release old stuck energy that is related to or responsible for feeling like a victim.

Victim Energy Clearing Audio Session:

This energy clearing is one of the best clearings to see results. The old energy of "victim" in a persons energy field, attracts situations to them that intensify the energy and can actually strengthen and perpetuate it! Everyone has experiences in their past that relate in some way to the victim archetype. When you release this, you free up so much of your creative energy and are able to start manifesting at a whole new level..


When we do a clearing, we are only clearing the negative energy, the energy that is blocking you, the blockages that are holding you back. This will allow the true you to step out of all the old stuff that was keeping you stuck and held down When you use your intention to let go of what doesn't serve you, along with the clearing session, you will see even better results.!

Photo Credit for Clear Out Negative Victim Energy

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Robin Yates

Robin helps people clear their old beliefs and negative energetic patterns with energy clearing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnosis.

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