Energy Clearings

Energy Clearing for Protection for Empaths

Energy Clearing And Protection for Empaths

May 27, 20191 min read

Energy Clearing and Protection for Empaths

In This Daily Clearing Video we are clearing the energy you may have picked up from other people and Raise YOUR Vibration.

Can Past Lives Affect Us in The Present?

The Card for today is El Morya and is from the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue Energy clearing is the fastest and most profound way to experience the life you want and enjoy. When you clear at this deep level, you automatically raise your vibration.


The more you clear, the happier, be more in line with the universe and access your spiritual gifts. When we do a clearing, we are only clearing the negative energy, the energy that is blocking you, the blockages that are keeping you back. This will allow the true you to step out of all the old stuff that was keeping you down and stuck. ENJOY the video, and use your intention to let go of what doesn't serve you!

Photo Credit for Energy Clearing for Empaths:

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Robin Yates

Robin helps people clear their old beliefs and negative energetic patterns with energy clearing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnosis.

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