Energy Clearings

Clearing for Energy That isn't yours

Is it Me? Empath Clearing

December 30, 20231 min read

Is it Me? Empath Energy?

In today's clearing, we are releasing the mixed energy of other peoples energy in your field. Allow yourself to disconnect from other peoples energy that you may be feeling and not knowing if it's yours or someone elses!

As a result, an empath might experience emotions or energies that seem to originate externally, yet they might interpret them as their own due to this intense connection and difficulty in distinguishing between personal and external feelings.

Energy clearing may be able to help with all of the above reasons. As you release the entangled energies and the negative emotions, beliefs and energy around them, it can become much easier to get by as an empath.

Schedule a (free) 15 minute consultation with Robin here: Free 15 Minute Energy Clearing Consultation

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Robin Yates

Robin helps people clear their old beliefs and negative energetic patterns with energy clearing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnosis.

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