Energy Clearings

Do You Feel Stress and Anxiety Around the Holidays?

Past Life Agreements

December 23, 20231 min read

Clearing Past Life Agreements

Do you have any blocks from past life agreements in your field? If so, this clearing will help you release them. Blocks can be from any lifetime or can be past down from ancestors. As you use your intention to release them, silently give permission for them to leave your field. 

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Photo by Pembegül Dal:

Past Life Agreements

The idea of releasing past life agreements stems from the notion that these agreements, if they exist, might create patterns or obstacles that no longer serve an individual's growth or well-being in their present life. Releasing these agreements is believed to free a person from the constraints or influences of past promises or lessons that could be hindering their progress or causing unnecessary challenges.

The process of releasing past life agreements often involves their individual agreement and willingness to let the agreements go. This can be done by a variety of methods. My personal favorite of course is energy clearing. As you release the past life agreement or contract, you also watch for other feelings, fears or negative beliefs that may be associate to them.

To inquire about a private session with Robin or to schedule a free 15 minute consult, please go here:

energy clearingintuitionjudgementfeeling judgedpsychic attackpast livescontracts
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Robin Yates

Robin helps people clear their old beliefs and negative energetic patterns with energy clearing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnosis.

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