How You Can Clear Even More Money Blocks

And Activate Your Energy Field for Abundance...

Money Blocks are Energetic

Abundance and money blocks are energetic patterns. They're picked up over years or even lifetimes. You may consciously know that you are or should have financial abundance,  but you sabotage yourself when it comes to making or keeping money. 

This is because these blocks are held in the subconscious mind. They work just below the surface. 

You may have hundreds of money blocks, but don't worry, you can clear them without having to dig into your past and figure out how you got them. And don't have to clear them all one by one! 

Money blocks can be related to each other. It can be difficult to clear a particular block if it's linked to another. This is why it's a good idea to clear as many as possible, all at once.

If you want to get rid of the blocks keeping you from reaching your financial potential, then you're going to love this!

You probably already know this but...

Money blocks are real and can keep you stuck for years. They can keep you repelling money and business opportunities. But clearing money blocks will not magically bring truckloads of cash to you. What it will do, is help you see how much control you have over your own abundance.

It's about more than than just clearing energy blocks around money...

This is about learning and realizing that you have the power over your life and life experiences. You can create a better outcome for yourself and let go of what has been keeping you back.

This is about gaining the ability and know how to move forward. To begin to search for these blocks and remove them for yourself.

You'll clear the energetic root of money blocks and...

- How to let go of negative beliefs around money, even if you don't know exactly where they came from.

- Why feelings and emotions about abundance can keep you poor (in lack and limitation)

- How to eliminate fears about not having enoughWhat to do if money slips through your fingers

- The beliefs behind not enough and never having enough money patterns

- When it's ok to talk negatively about money (Law of Attraction Gurus don't do this and it's keeping them stuck)

- Why trying to trick yourself by positive affirmations doesn't work (your subconscious mind knows what you really think) and what to do instead

- How to eliminate worry around moneyWhat you need to clear if you feel guilty for spending money on yourself or spending money in general

- What to doto clear things that aren't in the clearing program

- Learn when it's the worst time to do energy clearing, as it just doesn't work

All You need to do is listen...

This is completely different than anything you've ever tried. It gets right down to the energetic core of the issue, and takes care of it for good!

The clearings are in the audio tracks, in the background.

Open For Abundance

This Open for Abundance program is a condensed way to release money blocks fast. Here's what's in it:

  • You start by just listening. That's it. The tracks do the workfor you.

  • 3+ Clearing Playlists. These are simple music tracks with the clearing commands in the background. You don't hear them, so nobody else will even know they're there. This way, you can play them in your car, or while you are working or any other time, you'd like to work on clearing. In reality, it really only takes 1 listen to get the benefits

  • Audio Hypno-meditationThe Abundance Burning Fire. This hypnosis-based track will help you hit the abundance blocks from another angle, accessing the subconscious mind. This one can be listened to every couple of days withdifferent results. NEVER- listen to this while driving! It's a real hypnosis track.Master Clearing Track

  • A Master/Generic clearing track that clears money blocks that are not in the playlists. It is designed to work with specific blocks that you find and want to clear that are not in the clearing playlists. For example, if you know that you have a fear of being wealthy, you can write it down and find any other related fears like that. Then, as you keep it in mind, or read it on the paper, play the clearing track. Do this with each block you find!! The clearing track will clear what you have in mind.

  • All the tracks are downloadable in mp3 format. You can download the entire playlists, or individual tracks or both.​

  • You get immediate access to the entire clearing program.

  • Everything is accessible from the online portal 24/7.

Clearing Playlists

The clearings are organized into playlists. You will not have to listen to the details of the clearings, as all of that will be embedded into the sound track.

To clear the blocks, just play the playlists and simply listen along.

Bonus - Hypnosis Session and Abundance Activation

After you listen to the playlists of the clearings, you can take it a step further and activate your field for Abundance.  This Waves of Abundance BONUS Hypnosis Audio Track will help you program your subconscious mind for more abundance!

Waves of Abundance, a hypnosis-based activation for prosperity, will reprogram your field to receive money and abundance. (This Hypnotic Meditation itself sells for $39-)

As you may already know, the subconscious mind and energy field control how you relate to money. This track is going to shift your subconscious programming to literally magnetize you to abundance. You will begin to attract money at the subconscious and energetic level.

Just listen along with this track while you relax. This is a real hypnosis track, so as you listen,
please don't do anything that might distract you.

Don't do anything that might put you or someone else in harms' way if you were to become so relaxed you fall asleep (or zone out)


You can listen to this track every few days or so to reinforce the activation.

My personal guarantee: If You don't find it useful or just don't like it for any reason, no problem. You'll get your money back.

Open For Abundance Program $47-


(For a Limited Time) Get 50% off the regular price of $97-

And get the Waves of Abundance, Hypnosis Activation for Free