How to Erase Energy Blocks and Negative Beliefs From YOUR life and...From Your Family, Friends and Clients Lives Too.

Discover the little known Eraser Method that I've Used With Hundreds of Clients to Help them Clear Out Even their Most Difficult Blocks in Just a few Minutes.

Keep Reading if You'd Like to...

  • Learn how to overcome money blocks so that money flows to you freely and effortlessly.

  • Discover why you struggle to make enough money, and clear this at the core level.

  • Transcend Emotional Blocks or Limitations, keeping you stuck in negative, unhealthy patterns.

  • Remove hidden limited beliefs so you can succeed in your career or business, and feel fulfilled and on purpose in your work

  • Release the hidden patterns and triggers keeping you from having positive and fulfilling relationships.

Hi, I'm Robin,
and I helped hundreds of clients clear their blocks and limitations.. In this program, I teach people to get rid of energy blocks, negative beliefs and old programming for themselves, their friends, family and clients.

After working with hundreds of clients, I've discovered that most people think they are the reason for the results they experience in their lives. But, I'm here to tell you...

It's not your fault. It's the energy!

After working with hundreds of clients, I've discovered that most people think they are the reason for the results they experience in their lives. But, I'm here to tell you...It's not your fault. It's the energy!

We aren't taught about energy and many people don't even think it's a real thing. I find this utterly crazy. I'm writing this on my laptop using the internet via my mobile phone signal. Huh? That's all invisible energy, but nobody doubts that.

I want to show you that not only is this real, but that you have the potential to shift energy patterns that are not in alignment with what you want.

What are energy blocks?

Simply stated, energy blocks are limitations. Anything keeping you from what you want to do, be or have in your life, can be considered a block. Fear is an energy block, or a collection of smaller ones. A persistent negative emotion is a block. An old pattern of shutting down or avoiding things are energy blocks. All of these blocks are energetic and therefore can be shifted.

Melissa's Story:

Melissa was no stranger to "working on herself". She was completely ready to look at her life and tackle anything she found. She'd been to many healers, and had tried and even learned many modalities. She attended workshop after workshop. Each one, she felt, was going to be the final piece she needed to get her life in order.

However, nothing really changed. Sure, she felt great for a week or two after her workshop or experience, but things quickly would go back to how they were. She was beyond disappointed and frustrated when she called me.

"I think it's me", she told me during our first conversation. Maybe I just have too much baggage, there's too much inner stuff to overcome. I knew this wasn't the case. She was smart, funny, and a good person. She just had old programming, negative beliefs and triggers that kept her from moving forward.

During our first session together, we cleared old patterns and beliefs that she had been carrying for years, possibly her entire life. She had very limiting beliefs like, I need to struggle, making money isn't easy, and money doesn't grow on trees.

We tackled many of these beliefs and blocks in our first session. She had identified and talked about her problems for years, but they hadn't gone anywhere. Until now. Finally, they were gone, cleared, erased!

Soon after this, she started looking for more and more to clear, making lists of things that triggered her.

Programming and Negative Beliefs

How does programming and negative beliefs affect a person's day-to-day life? They are both filters. They manipulate what is really going on to fit in with the way these subconscious programs see the world.

For example, if someone has the negative programming and the belief that they are going to be car jacked if they are at a stop light, everyone around them at a stop light will appear to be a potential threat. This creates overwhelming stress and the person may not even consciously realize they have this programming! It's just the way things are...(subconscious-speak for a program)

Anxiety and Stress are often related to subconscious programs that are not known, but can (and should be) be cleared.

You Clear Money Blocks, Fitness Blocks and Relationship Blocks ALL in the Same Way...

You clear a fear in the same way you clear a money block because they are all held in place in the same way. You find the energy holding them and systematically shift it out. Sounds too simple? It is! As you follow the step by step protocol, you will be able to shift the blocks you find.

It doesn't matter if you're clearing a relationship block, an abundance block or a negative emotion or belief. They're all the same, energetically.

How does programming and negative beliefs affect a person's day-to-day life? They are both filters. They manipulate what is really going on to fit in with the way these subconscious programs see the world.

For example, if someone has the negative programming and the belief that they are going to be car jacked if they are at a stop light, everyone around them at a stop light will appear to be a potential threat. This creates overwhelming stress and the person may not even consciously realize they have this programming! It's just the way things are...(subconscious-speak for a program)

Anxiety and Stress are often related to subconscious programs that are not known, but can (and should be) be cleared.

The 15 Chakra System

If you are familiar with the human energy centers called the chakras, you probably already know about the

7 main chakras. These are the energy centers of our body.

What you may not be familiar with are the 8 More Chakraslocated outside of the physical body but still very important. These chakras can and often do contain blocks. While they are less known, they are still immensely powerful and often overlooked.

How This Type of Energy Clearing Works:

  • Removes the old beliefs and fears about yourself, your life and others, so you feel at peace.

  • Clears the stuck and stagnant energy in your home, office, or land.

  • Shifts the negative energy keeping you feeling low vibration (not your best) and bring in optimism!

  • Can neutralize the energy around old memories, situations and traumas

  • Releases the toxic energy between you and others so your relationships can flourish.

  • Removes other peoples energy from your own field and body, and feel like your best self again.

  • Eliminates energies picked up from places you've been. If you've ever gone to a place and just

    "gotten the creeps", this is the energy I'm talking about.

  • Breaks down old habits, patterns and addictions energetically. Literally release the energy keeping them in place.

  • Targets and remove any type of financial or abundance block. Most people have many of these and need to watch for them and clear as needed.

  • Gets rid of the type of energetic manipulation and control of energy vampires and manipulative people

  • Removes the triggers that make you fall back and take you off course from what you want.

Next Live Group Class Begins Wednesday, August 30 @ 5:30 Pacific Time US

“What is easiest to see is often overlooked.”

“Patients are patients because they are out of rapport with their own unconscious... Patients are people who have had too much programming - so much outside programming that they have lost touch with their inner selves.” Milton H Erickson

Energy Clearing Techniques

Many of the practitioners that I work with have often done other forms of energy work before they find me. They may know Reiki, Pranic Healing, EFT, or any number of techniques, but what they've experienced has created limited results. This is often because, while they may be amazingly powerful for stress and general healing, they don't necessarily get to the core of the issue. This means the client may feel better for a little while, but it isn't lasting.
A deeper level of clearing is truly needed.

In this case, the problem isn't completely healed and so it can come back.
Many of our clients are stuck in this loop. They feel like they are actively working on an issue, but it is never really completely gone. Each session, there it is. This is frustrating for both the client and the practitioner!

It's important to
find a technique that clears at the core, so you can be sure it's really gone. Not, I think it's gone? It's crucial that you know that it's truly gone.

If you work with other people, this technique will multiply your results with them and
you will lose the fear of "What if I can't help them"!

Spiritual Growth and Awakening...

As you clear your blocks and limitation, you are raising frequency. Simple. As you let go of what has held you down, you naturally rise up on the scale of consciousness. This path to spiritual awakening is both clear and straight forward. It's a easy method to understand how to do the inner work. This alone will create amazing shifts in your life.

Energy Blocks Can Ultimately Keep You From Your Life's Purpose

Everyone is here for a reason, and the clearer you become, the more obvious this purpose becomes. In fact, it may be staring you in the face, but you can't see it because of past experiences and programming. It may or may not have anything to do with helping other people or raising the frequency of the planet (my life's purpose), but it's something only YOU came here to do. Your own special blend of interests and skills.

It doesn't matter what this life purpose looks like. It might be a healing modality or it might not. It could be anything. But if you aren't doing what you came here to do, or if you don't know what that is, then there's blocks that need to be cleared.

Quick Recap on Energy Blocks:

Energy Blockages are old energy patterns, outdated beliefs, limited assumptions and perceptions. They are also negative emotions and fears. These energetic blockages are what stop most people from living the life they choose.

People go see therapists and coaches to move forward. It's the blockages that keep them stuck but most coaches, therapists and even healers don't even address this. This is why someone can spend years in therapy and just talk about the same things over and over and never get results. The problems are energetic and talking about them can actually make is become even more ingrained!

When someone clears on the energetic level, they are clearing on the subconscious and unconscious level as well. This is where
true change
happens (and can be instantaneous). This is what's also know as
Quantum Healing, meaning that it's being done across time, independent of the current reality. This affects all lifetimes for the person getting the clearing.

Everyone has blockages. I call them energy blockages because at the core, everything is energy. Emotions are held in place by energy. Feelings and beliefs about yourself and the world are all energetic in nature. This is such an empowering concept when it hits home! If it's all energy, then it can be shifted. It's truly that simple.

Our Beliefs Control Our Bodies, Our Minds, and Thus Our Lives...Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

Why Quantum?

For years, I was doing hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming with my clients and I was completely unaware of shifting energy in this way. I focused on the subconscious mind and on creating change in the neural pathways of my clients to get results. Both hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming are amazing, and I still use them. However, energetic clearing has become my #1 go to modality in most situations. The reason is because it works.

It works so well, I found myself teaching it to other practitioners and friends. I started to create a whole process to make it simple to learn and be able to start using with confidence.

I call this Protocol
The Eraser Method to (Quantum) Energy Clearing, and it's a complete technique to energetically clear negative energy, beliefs and programs.

The Protocol for Fast and Lasting Change

When you have a friend, family member, client (or even yourself) who is stuck and unable to move forward, this protocol will shift their reality and move them in the direction they need to go. Fast.
You will be amazed at how fast you can shift energy.

You will be able to
master the protocol and techniques easily, with just a little practice. As you do this, you will be creating change for yourself. I do clearings for myself any time I find something that I want to change. I want to remove negative emotion or where I need to eliminate any type of resistance.

Many of the people I've taught this to decide they want to work with other people. To become certified, you will choose 3-5 practice clients that will be your test clients. You can do this clearing protocol remotely, they will not be with you in the room. After the practice session, they will be asked to give feedback, and if they agree (which they almost always do), you will be able to use that feedback for your marketing materials.

The practice client feedback is amazing, and it is where
you will become super confident in your skills. It's the proof that it's really real, it works, and the results speak for themselves! This isn't necessary however to complete this course.

Home Clearings and More...

As you learn to shift and morph energy for a person, you will also learn how to:

  • Clear a Room or an Entire Home of Negative Energy, No Sage Needed. You don't even need to be in the home or even close by.

  • Do Complete Auric Clearing at a Distance for other People.

  • Remove Old Energy from Personal Items, such as Second Hand Furniture, Jewelry and Antiques

  • Clear the energy from land. There is no limitation of what you can clear.

  • Remove a Specific Negative Emotion, Belief or Pattern for Yourself or Others.

In the Eraser Method of Quantum Energy Clearing course, you will learn to perform a complete "Auric" clearing for other people. You will also be able to clear and remove negative beliefs and even lifelong energetic habits and negative emotions.

This course will help youfind the triggers and negative energy and energy blockages in your field and remove them.

Why is this important? Because it will help you get out of the past reactions and limitations keeping you stuck. This is precisely how you heal your past.

It's Not Just About Knowing What The Blocks Are, It's Knowing how to get rid of them! -Robin

Get Certified to Work With Others (Optional)

  • Practice your skills as you learn, so you know are able to integrate the skills as you go along.

  • Each module builds on the previous one.

  • Get honest, real and helpful client feedback and testimonials--even before you finish the course!

  • Have help as you do your practice clearings, just clear along with the session recordings.

  • Listen to clearings as you say them to yourself (and clear). Learn effortlessly!

  • Gain complete understanding of why this works, so you can use it confidently.

  • Be able to clear your own past life residue and blockages, so that you don't have to keep experiencing the same situations.

  • Discover the path of true freedom for yourself and help your family, friends and clients.

  • Experience unbelievable confidence as you practice!

  • And so much more...

Feedback from Other Practitioners...

"I’ve worked with other coaches and healers who attempted to address my money blocks, but she was able to pinpoint the exact reasons I had them, and cleared them."

Robin has a natural talent for drawing out the root cause of what’s holding her clients back and blocking them from what they want. She was able to help me pinpoint exact experiences from my past that led up to some of the blocks I was having around having fun in my business and charging clients for things that didn’t seem like work to me. I’ve worked with other coaches and healers who attempted to address my money blocks, but she was able to pinpoint the exact reasons I had them, and cleared them. Others just tried to clear around the general issue of money.

I SO loved this course...

"It left me with a fresh outlook and a happier disposition."

Auric Clearing, is a game changer. Robin, has helped me not only feel better but manage life's transitions with greater ease. Long standing issues I thought I’d have to just live with, cleared quickly. It left me with a fresh outlook and a happier disposition. I cannot recommend her enough

I usually spend much more time finding the blocks for someone than I spend clearing the blocks for them...

The Eraser Method for Quantum Energy Clearing

14 Week Group Training and Energy Clearing Program6 Online Modules in a complete on-demand training program, and 8 live coaching classes over Zoom.

Next Group Class Begins

Wednesday, August 30 @ 5:30 Pacific Time US

What's in the Training?

Week 1 - Module 1, All About Energy and Energy Clearing

Module One is focused on the energy clearing components and and how they work. You will get an understanding of the Universal Laws and how they govern your soul's experience. You will also understand frequency and learn how to read energy for yourself to get clear answers.

  • Get the energy clearing basics and how to begin, so you can start incorporating this modality right away.

  • Meditation to release your blocks and be clear as a healer. Get rid of unknown blocks in your field.

  • Handouts - Chakras and Blockages

  • Module 1 available online 24/7

Week 2 - Coaching Live Via Zoom link at Our Group day/time

Module One Coaching and Live Class

  • Using a pendulum to get accurate answers

  • How to do a physical test of a persons Chakra System

  • Q & A of Module 1 Training

  • PRACTICE WORK - Do a physical Chakra reading for someone, write up a summary report

Module 1 Extra Credit:

  • Find an accountability partner

  • Attend the Practitioner Office Hours or schedule a meet up.

Week 3 -Module 2, How to Use Commands to Shift Energy

In Module 2 you will learn about the occupants and discarnate commands. You will discover why we use the Chakra System as we perform a clearing. You will experience a complete energetic (auric) clearing for yourself and learn how to shield your energy field.

  • How to Begin a session and what to do first

  • Meditation to help you balance your energy field and incorporate the material faster

  • Anatomy of a chakra healing session

  • Handouts - Basic Commands, and how to Shield your Field and more.

  • Module 2 is available online 24/7 (after week 1)

Week 4 - Coaching Live Via Zoom link at Our Group day/time

Module 2 Coaching

  • How to shield the energy of a group and what to look for.

  • Reading the chakras for blockages and discarnates.

  • Q & A of Module 2 Training

  • PRACTICE WORK - Initiate an opening and closing of a session, include shielding the energy for everyone involved.

Week 3 -Module 2, How to Use Commands to Shift Energy

In Module 2 you will learn about the occupants and discarnate commands. You will discover why we use the Chakra System as we perform a clearing. You will experience a complete energetic (auric) clearing for yourself and learn how to shield your energy field.

  • How to Begin a session and what to do first

  • Meditation to help you balance your energy field and incorporate the material faster

  • Anatomy of a chakra healing session

  • Handouts - Basic Commands, and how to Shield your Field and more.

  • Module 2 is available online 24/7 (after week 1)

Week 4 - Coaching Live Via Zoom link at Our Group day/time

Module 3 Coaching

  • How to shield the energy of a group and what to look for.

  • Reading the chakras for blockages and discarnates.

  • Q & A of Module 2 Training

  • PRACTICE WORK - Initiate an opening and closing of a session, include shielding the energy for everyone involved.

Week 7 - Module 4, Energetic Attachments

Module 4 explores the unseen energies, blockages, thought forms, soul loss, spells, curses, entities and attachments. This also includes entities from past lifetimes and picked up in this lifetime. And of course, clears these.

  • Learn to work with thoughtform blockages

  • Be able to clear curses and negatively directed energy.

  • Meditation - Strengthening the Connection with Your Higher Self

  • Handouts: Working with Soul Facet Loss and Anger Spears

  • Module 4 available online 24/7 (after week 3)

Week 8 - Coaching Live Via Zoom link at Our Group day/time

Module 4 Coaching

  • More clearing work with old energy and familiar lines.

  • How to set up a complete clearing for someone.

  • Q & A of Module 4 Training

  • PRACTICE WORK - Do a complete auric clearing on one of your practice clients.

Week 9 - Module 5, Negative Beliefs, Patterns and Limitations

In module 5, you will learn how to clear any old belief, from not having enough money to not being worthy of love, you name it. In this module you will also learn about the Levels of Consciousness and how to calibrate where you or someone else vibrates at on this scale. I will illustrate how clearing will elevate you higher and higher at the frequency level.

  • Get to be proficient in clearing negative beliefs - for your clients and for yourself.

  • Be able to calibrate on the Levels of Consciousness Scale, so you can know who you are working with and what they are probably experiencing in their life.

  • Know how to clear old patterns that keep someone stuck.

  • Module 5 available online 24/7 (after week 4)

Week 10 - Coaching Live Via Zoom link at Our Group day/time

Module 5 Coaching

  • Negative Belief Clearings and how to clear them completely

  • How to find your negative beliefs and limitations.

  • Group Clearing of Common Negative Beliefs (group input as to which ones)

  • Q & A of Module 5 Training

  • PRACTICE WORK - Do a complete auric clearing on one of your practice clients.

Week 11 - Module 6, How to Raise Your Vibration or Frequency Using Energy Clearing

In Module 6, you will put it all together. You will be able to take a state or condition and raise it up and out of your field. The Vibration Elevation Process combines the tools and clears your field while it raises your vibration (or a client's). Also in this module you will learn to perform these clearings on homes, property or land.

  • Learn to use psychic protection and keep your field clear

  • How to take this protocol and use it to clear houses, land or any property.

  • Be able to do a clearing to raise someone's frequency/vibration by removing the old beliefs and energies keeping it down.

  • Module 6 available online 24/7 (after week 5)

Week 12 - Coaching Live Via Zoom link at Our Group day/time

Module 6 Coaching

  • Negative Belief Clearings and how to clear them completely

  • How to find your negative beliefs and limitations.

  • How to find a persons calibration and what to do to raise it.

  • Calibration Clearings, what they are and how to do them

  • Group Clearing and Calibration raising.

  • Q & A of Module 6 Training

  • PRACTICE WORK - Do a complete auric clearing on one of your practice clients.

Bonus 1 - 90 Day Email/Support

I want you to be confident you can do this, so I am here for you if you have questions or need any help with this work. I will be there to help you and usually answer within 24 hours (or sooner) so you can be sure you will be able to get results.

Bonus 2 - Energy Clearing Cheat Sheets

These are simplified cheat sheets that go along with the clearing protocol. Use these as you begin doing your clearing sessions or if you want a little extra help, knowing that you are "doing it all right" Learn the clearing protocols as you follow along in order, while you work with your practice clients!

Bonus 3 - 7 Day Chakra Cleanse Program

This meditation series consists of 7 individual sessions, one for each chakra. You can use these for yourself, or give them to others who need additional support in one or more chakras. You have
permission to share them with your clients as well.

Bonus 4 - Marketing Your Practice and How to Attract Clients, Live Class

How to get clients, and set up your marketing, so you can attract the clients that you will enjoy working with.

Bonus 5 - Practice Clients and Testimonials

All about practice clients, getting feedback and asking for testimonials. Learn what to ask and how to make your clients feel at ease and want to help you.

Bonus 6 - Pracitioner Practice and Meet Up - Saturdays 8:30-9:30 am Pacific Time

Every other week there is a window of time for practitioner's office hours. This is a time for you to meet up with other practitioners in a drop in group setting. Join for as little time or as long as you like.

  • Drop in times to chat with other students and practitioners to talk shop, held right after the live coaching call.

  • Meet with accountability partners to stay motivated and laser focused.

  • Get ideas for clearings.

  • Invite others to participate in group clearing sessions (after module 3)

  • These will NOT be recorded.

Next Group Class BeginsWednesday, January 18 @ 5:30 Pacific Time US
Online Training Begins at Sign up!

I am extremely happy to have gained the ability to clear myself and much more.

This course is phenomenal! I have gained a new freedom with these skills. Over the years I have had to depend on other healers to clear and bring me to balance every time I picked up negative energies and all the other "ickys". I am currently building a business that will expose me to many new locations, people, and inevitably energies. I told Robin I was going to have to put her on my payroll to keep me clear, so she introduced me to this program. Life changing! Although I would love to have my very own pocket Robin, I am extremely happy to have gained the ability to clear myself and much more. There are endless possibilities to what I can do with this. Thank you and bless you Robin!

With this step by step energy clearing system you will be able to get powerful results.

I know this works and I want you to be really happy with it!

In the event that this course isn't what you wanted or were looking for, no problem.
You have my personal guarantee that if it isn't right for you, you will get your money back.

Just email me here
send a ticket through the help desk
on the site, and just let me know within the first
30 Days
and you will receive a
complete refund, right away!

The Eraser Method - Energy Clearing System

You'll get the Entire Advanced Energy Clearing course, The Group Coaching Sessions and the Additional Bonuses, for just $897-Including Practitioner Certification!

This Energy Training Course Covers Everything You Need to Become an Energy Clearing Expert!

  • Full access for one year to all the modules, the clearing hypnotic meditations, and the bonuses. (All are downloadable)

  • Full training and certification in the "Auric Clearing Master Healer" Practitioner Course

  • Student workbook to help you master the clearing techniques and to help you work with your clients

  • Six Energy Clearing meditations to clear yourself of old blockages and anything that has been keeping you from your best. One with each new module.

  • Learn how to use the Levels of Consciousness Scale to generate faster results for yourself and your clients, and watch the progress they are making with their work with you.

  • Be able to clear beliefs, emotions, energy blockages for people--confidently, and know you can help them.

  • Learn to practice the techniques on yourself first, so you can clear yourself of old blocks that have kept you back​

The Eraser Method Energy Clearing System & Training

You'll get the Entire Advanced Energy Clearing course, The Group Coaching Sessions and the Additional Bonuses, for just
$897-Includes Practitioner Certification!

Plus the Following Bonuses: