Energy Clearings

Do You Eat When Emotional?

Energy Clearing for Emotional Eating

March 16, 20241 min read

Energetic Overwhelm for Empaths

If you tend to eat or overeat when you're feeling emotional (happy, sad, angry, stress, tired etc.) you might have energy blocks around food and eating. Energy blocks are stuck emotion and beliefs that can keep you stuck in a behavior or pattern.

Energetic and Emotional Eating

This may or may not even be your energy, but you can still release it from your field. This can make things overwhelming and confusing. You can't process energy that isn't yours.

Learn more about the emotional eating program:

Audio Clearing Session:


Photo by Alexander Grey:

Learn more about the Emotional Eating and Energetic Weight Loss Program from Vibration Elevation:

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Robin Yates

Robin helps people clear their old beliefs and negative energetic patterns with energy clearing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnosis.

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